Here is a list of 50 things that I keep in mind on every website that I build. Some of these are secrets I have acquired from the best designers in the world, and some of them are standard every day practices. Either way, these tips will improve your visitors experience on your website.
- Clicking on the logo should take you to the home page;
- Your logo/site title should be positioned in the top left of the page;
- Duplicate your main navigational links in the page footer with links to additional, but less prominent pages;
- Keep your navigation positioning consistent from page to page;
- Don’t open links in a new tab/window, except PDF’s and embedded documents;
- Highlight your current location in your navigation bar;
- Use reasonable sized fonts (12px or larger);
- Make sure font sizes are flexible (Use em’s or %, not px);
- Sans-serif fonts are easier to read at small sizes;
- Serif fonts are easier to read at large sizes;