Verify Your Website with Google

Verifying your site with Google’s webmaster tools can give you more information about your site and help your search engine optimization efforts.

If you don’t have an account with Google yet, you need to get one. Google offers a set of Webmaster tools that can help you to manage your site, and get a better understanding of what‘s going on as far as Google is concerned. But most of all it’s a great SEO tool that can also help you with your search engine optimization efforts.

Once you’ve signed up for an account and added your site, the first thing you are going to want to do is get your site verified. By getting your site verified, you will be able to access comprehensive reports on your Website which includes statistics, diagnostics, and link information.

Website verification is very easy to do. Simply click on the link to ‘verify’ and choose the method you would like to use for verification. You can either choose to verify with a Meta Tag or by uploading an HTML file to your site. You’re probably wondering why in the world they are asking you to do this… I know I did too. However, one of the main reasons is security. Google wants to make sure that you are the Website owner. This prevents other users or worse - your competition from putting in your Website into their account and getting information about your site.
After you have your site verified, give Google a few days to populate the information for you. Usually waiting about a week will give you a better idea of what’s happening, and then you can see what you should fix or change to improve your Website.

One of the features I like best about this Website tool is that you can see the query stats. Query stats will show you the keywords and where you are ranking for them in Google’s index. There are couple of different options too that will let you sort the data; you can sort by either web or image search, and also by country. You can even download the information into Excel for further analysis. The only problem I see at this time is that the information is not real time; it is an average over the last seven days. So if you click on a link to see your Website listing in the index, it may not be in the same place as it says in the report.

If you have a rather large site, the error logs can be especially useful. You can see what pages in your Website give you HTTP errors, timeouts, and pages not found. The pages that are not found feature also gives you more details about the error. I would recommend going through these errors and fixing them. The fewer errors on your site, the more professional your site will appear to your visitors and the search engines.

There are many more features to the webmaster tools on Google; I highly recommend that you take a minute to check them out. This tool is great for doing search engine optimization and should be a part of every webmasters toolbox.

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Multiple-size Embedded Presentations from Google Docs

Google Docs has just updated their embedded presentation feature to support multiple sizes, so now presentations can look even better in blog posts. To add a presentation to your blog, create it in Google Docs and copy the “Mini Presentation Module” HTML into a blog post. (See: Embedding Presentations in a Web Site)

For an example, take a look at this small-sized presentation:

You can include YouTube videos, images, and text captions into slides to condense and display a “deck” of graphical content in a concise format in your posts.

Google Docs is a free, web-based word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation application. Try it now.